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The Sense and Nonsense of Dieting

de zin en onzin van dieten

Dieting often promises a lot, but it frequently delivers little or only short-term results. However, it is possible to achieve long-term weight loss in a healthy way. You’ve probably experienced this: With great enthusiasm, you start yet another popular diet. In the beginning, it seems to work; the pounds drop off and you feel fantastic for a while. But soon you realise how difficult it is to stick with the diet, how limited your choices are, and how your body craves everything you’ve denied yourself. The result? You fall back into old habits, and the weight often comes back faster than it was lost. The dreaded yo-yo effect strikes again. But why does this happen over and over again?


What is the Yo-Yo effect?

The yo-yo effect is the phenomenon where you gain weight quickly after a strict diet, sometimes even more than you originally lost. This happens because your body adapts to the scarcity during a diet, slowing down your metabolism. Once you return to eating normally, your body stores extra energy as fat reserves, preparing for the next ‘famine period’. This leads to rapid weight regain, putting you in a vicious cycle of dieting, losing weight, and gaining it back. The more often you do this, the harder it becomes to maintain a stable weight.

Additionally, the yo-yo effect has negative consequences for your health. When you lose weight rapidly, your body burns not only fat but also muscle mass. Less muscle mass means a slower metabolism, making it even harder to lose weight during the next attempt. Furthermore, the constant switching between losing and gaining weight causes a lot of stress, both physically and mentally. Your body experiences every weight loss period as a stressful situation, which can lead to hormonal imbalance, fatigue, and an increased risk of health problems such as disrupted blood sugar levels and elevated cortisol levels. In short, the yo-yo effect is not only frustrating but also harmful to your body and well-being.

Most Popular Diets Right Now

Keto Diet

The keto diet has become popular by drastically limiting carbohydrates and increasing fat intake. This causes your body to switch to fat-burning (ketosis). This sounds ideal, and you often see quick results. You feel less hungry, and the rules are clear and easy to follow. However, in the long term, the diet can be difficult to sustain, as it requires you to miss out on many products like bread, pasta, and fruit. You may also feel fatigued due to the lack of carbohydrates, and there’s a risk of nutrient deficiencies.

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting, where you alternate between periods of eating and fasting, has also gained popularity. This diet offers structure and can stimulate metabolism, making weight loss easier. However, many people experience energy dips and struggle to plan their eating windows. Sometimes, this leads to overeating during the periods when eating is allowed.


Low-Carb Diet

Another popular diet is the low-carb diet, where carbohydrates are limited and proteins and healthy fats take centre stage. This diet also promises quick weight loss and often helps stabilise your blood sugar levels. Unfortunately, many people experience fatigue and reduced focus because their body isn’t getting enough energy from carbohydrates. Social situations, such as eating out, can also be challenging, making the diet difficult to sustain.

Hormonal Balance Diet

More and more women are opting for the hormonal balance diet. This diet specifically focuses on restoring hormonal balance and is often followed to feel better in your body, have more energy, and reduce hormonal complaints. While this diet can help you feel more energetic and vital, it can be hard to find the exact right balance. There are also strict dietary rules, making it difficult to follow, especially if you like to eat and live flexibly.

Crash Diet

Finally, there’s the well-known juice cleanse or crash diet. This offers rapid results by temporarily restricting calories, often through liquid meals. While this sounds easy and gives quick results, it has the most drawbacks. Once you stop, the pounds often come back quickly, and there’s a high risk of nutritional deficiencies, fatigue, and concentration issues. Additionally, it puts a strain on your heart, which can’t handle all these extreme changes.

Why Are These Diets Not Sustainable?

The core issue with these diets lies in their extreme nature. By imposing so many restrictions on yourself, your body becomes unbalanced and craves everything you’ve denied it. Your motivation gets depleted, and once you stop, you quickly fall back into old habits because you’ve never really changed your basic pattern.

creating a healthy lifestyle

The Solution: Create Sustainable Habits!

If you want to lose weight permanently without the yo-yo effect, don’t rely on extreme measures, but choose realistic, sustainable habits that fit your lifestyle. Small changes can ultimately have a much greater impact. Here are a few practical and effective tips:

Mindful Eating

Take the time to eat mindfully and without distractions. This way, you’ll feel when you’re full, allowing you to eat less without depriving yourself of anything.

Exercise as a Routine

Try to integrate daily movement into your life. Choose something you truly enjoy and can easily stick with, such as walking, cycling, or yoga. The goal is to make it part of your daily routine.

Making Healthy Choices Accessible

Make it easier for yourself by keeping healthy snacks and meals within reach. By having fruit, vegetables, and nuts readily available, you’ll automatically make healthier choices more often.

Realistic and Achievable Goals

Set goals that are achievable and focused on the long term. Celebrate every success, no matter how small, so you stay motivated and create positive associations with your new lifestyle.

By focusing on sustainable changes, you’ll find that living healthily becomes easier and more enjoyable, and the weight will gradually come off – and stay off.

Make a Healthy Start Today!

Do you want to say goodbye to the yo-yo effect for good and work towards lasting weight loss? Read more or take your first step today towards a sustainable and healthy lifestyle.